Sane.....I'm not sure old son, but I think you might just be guilty of the dreaded methodological /philosophical materialist conflation.
No, if you actually follow the argument he isn't. Our thought processes, according to the methodologies of science, are either the inevitable response of the accumulated deterministic reactions of our neurons, or they are combined with random elements - they are either will or they are free, but not both.
Does science actually evidence a lack of a soul yet? Has science actually solved the problem posed by the P zombie yet ? I rather think not in both cases.
Science is not in the business of proving a negative - until there is evidence to support a claim it is merely not accepted. The problem is that the 'method' of free will does not conform to a scientific process - it is neither random, nor following a material cause and effect process.
To be operating on an ''Oh but it will'' isn't good enough.
Good enough for what? It's not good enough to accept the idea of free will, I'd agree, but seeing as that's not being done it's not a problem. 'We'll accept free will if an when you can explain the mechanism in a testable way' is entirely in keeping with the precepts of scientific enquiry.
I think you might have to sit on the naughty step with the reductionist materialists like Hillside who let's face it has being doing a hell of a lot of gussying up on this thread.
I think you might need to learn to read better...