Siri is just a man made tool.
I know you don't see it that way, but I'd suggest that gods are too.
It is there to be used as a tool - not to make vows to.
And, again, although the point of god is to be a fear-inducing idea to encourage people to obey not just their own vows but other behaviours that are considered desirable, that doesn't make it any less of a tool.
The non-existence of God and the devil is only in your perception, which I believe to be flawed because my own perception of God and the devil is quite real.
The self-referential arrogance of that is breath-taking. Why is your 'perception' somehow objectively right? We, at least, have a methodology to try to remove the subjectiveness of human perception from the equation as far as possible, you don't even try, you simply assert that your sense of reality is somehow superior - based on what?
So we must conclude that one of us is right and one of us is wrong.