We are all God's creatures, and as such there is a bit of God in every one of us whether we believe in Him or not. But faith should help every individual to bring their gifts to the fore and, in the words of a popular hymn:
They will know we are Christians by our love
I know many of us fall short of achieving this, but it is what we need to aim for.
Only according to your beliefs. There is not a jot of evidence that I am one of "God's creatures", so until that evidence arrives(and, it seems, you are unable to give it), you will no doubt excuse me if I simply see your words as entirely without foundation.
I do not see 'faith', especially in your particular God, to be a desirable attribute.
The fact that you do not respond to the points I stated in post 12321, suggests that you have no arguments to offer. So, until you deal with the points made, then I can quite happily dismiss the words of your Hymn as being quite empty of meaning, and simply yet another assertion.