Imagine two dog walkers out on the common. Tom keeps hid dog on a short leash whereas Dick has a very long leash. Tom's dog is rather grumpy being kept on such a short leash whereas Dick's dog is much happier having far greater freedom to roam around following scents. Dick's leash is so long that his dog is as good as totally free, his dog isn't even aware he is under owner control much of the time. But both owners are able to keep their dogs from getting into trouble.
That's an analogy for how I see our relationship to cause and effect. That we have the humanities is because our leash is very, very, long. That poets, musicians and artists express the joy of living through their work is because the degree of disconnect from cause and effect is so great as to be ineffable. I think this is the best possible situation for us to be in. Total freedom from cause and effect would be a catastrophe with people making irrational choices not in service to any purpose whatsoever A world totally free of rules would be meaningless and incomprehensible. That we have great degrees of apparent freedom within an orderly world is absolutely the best position for us to be in.
That probably sums up the way of living as it is now and maybe always has been and there have been a variety 'dog handlers' throughout history to keep the packs in order. I'm not optimistic that it will change to any degree. There have been a few, let's call them mystics, who have tried to outline ways for the individual to transform themselves back to a state of aware simplicity. There are a couple of verses from the Tao Te Ching which describe the degeneration followed by a regeneration process. It obviously hasn't caught on apart from perhaps to a few individuals.
TTC 18
When the Tao is neglected
People resort to morality and rules.
When intellectualism and information arise,
The false flourishes.
When the family disintegrates,
We hear of duty and obligation to parents.
When nations are in chaos,
Patriotism is emphasised.
Abandon piety and dispense with knowledge,
Everyone would be much better off.
Drop morality and eliminate duty,
And people will discover universal Love.
Dispense with technicians and renounce profit,
Thieves and robbers will disappear.
In these three, fine words are not enough.
People need something more substantial.
Let go of cultured learning, selfishness and desire,
But hold on to natural simplicity and honesty.
This is the way to freedom from unhappiness.