Simply put, God is the ultimate source of all existence, but of course our human intellect alone could never imagine or deduce what the nature of this source is. The only way we could know anything about this source is if it made itself known to its creation. The essential step in making itself known would be to endow this creation with some form of conscious perception, and give it the ability yearn for knowledge of its creator.
So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
Luke 11:9–10
That's called the reification fallacy. You just asserted your conclusion ("God is the ultimate source of all existence") and then grounded various statements on it as if you'd demonstrated it. You need to back up. A lot.
What is this "God" of which you speak?
Why do you think He/it exists other than as your personal opinion on the matter?
What makes you think that narratives written in an old text are necessarily infallible?
Absent arguments in logic, why do you think anyone else should take your personal faith beliefs any more seriously than they should take seriously the personal faith beliefs of anyone else
about anything else?
Only once you can finally answer these and the other questions that confront you do we need trouble ourselves with the various claims you make about this God.
Good luck with it!