Naturalism ''has'' methods or naturalism is a method?
Or Naturalism has methods and assumptions? You are in danger of giving Naturalism a philosophical entailment here.
Naturalism is the working assumption that the natural is all there is that’s consistently accessible, and we investigate it using methods and tools that produce probabilistic truths. If you want to call that a “philosophical entailment” that’s up to you, but your consistent misuse of the terms you attempt suggests that any discussion about that is pointless.
Also you have not addressed the issues of a resurrected person being subject to possible observation or that resurrection could be just an improbable natural event.
Yes I have:
- a person would be subject to possible observation, but there’s no means to know that a
resurrected person had been observed;
anything could be an improbable natural event – resurrections and leprechauns included. As I understand it though Christians think the resurrection story to describe a
supernatural event.
I wasn't going to get involved since Nearly Sane had identified Caricature and confusion and an assessment of your arguments is better coming from him than me…
I’ve replied to NS about this already.
…but that phrase was just crying out to be challenged since it smacks of intellectual totalitarianism.
What phrase, and what on earth do you think I’ve ever said that’s “intellectually totalitarian”? As I’ve only ever argued for a
probabilistic reality (ie, pretty much the opposite of a totalitarian one) even for you this charge seems especially ludicrous.
Just another point.
Really? Even though your previous ones have collapsed?
Oh well – on your head be it.
The origin of the universe is something not susceptible to science…
Whoa there! Do you mean here, “not ever, even in principle”, or “not using the methods and tools that are currently available to us”? They’re very different things.
The former is something you cannot know to be true. The latter is true, though there are competing hypotheses on that awaiting testing.
…and yet you are insisting that this is something that can be eventually elucidated by science.
No I haven’t. It could be that science gives us the answer but there’s no way to be certain about that. You’re thinking here of your personal re-definition of “scientism”.
Why are you now specially pleading that a resurrection can not be?
Why are you lying again? I’ve said over and over again that anything
could be. Why? Because of the principle of unknown unknowns – maybe there’s some process for a resurrection we don’t know about, and maybe it actually happened in the narrative you believe (and indeed in the narratives before then from which your faith took the story). Who can possibly say?
can be said that is that – so far at least – everything we know about the way biology works suggests that probabilistically it didn’t happen.
I refer you to the materialist position which treats life as a product of the arrangement of matter energy.
That is the working assumption yes, because that’s what the evidence suggests. How do you think that helps you?