First, can I just reaffirm that there can be nothing random about conscious choice. If there was, the human race would not survive very long, particularly on motorways!
There is nothing random about choice because choices are made for a reason, and therefore, the resulting choice is a
consequence, determined by the reason. If anything happens for no reason whatsoever, then it is a random event. At the end of the day, this is merely definitional Alan, whatever is not determined, or consequential to something prior, is random, by definition; adding in 'spiritual' makes no difference to the concept. Something that is random is not determined; something that is not determined is random.
Having said that, there are apparently random events going on in the human brain at the quantum level, but just because there is no discernable cause does not necessarily imply that they are random - just that the cause can't be identified.
So there may well be a cause to an event at quantum level which is not random and not derived from previous physically determined events.
This is desperate stuff, you are mining our knowledgebase for any weaknesses no matter how tiny and trying to claim them as a home for your irrational ideas. We don't really understand what it would be like inside a black hole, so maybe 2 plus 2 would equal 27 there; this is essence of the nature of your claims. Maybe, just maybe, at really high speeds and pressures, triangles could have 47 and a half sides. If there are random events at the quantum level, although
probablistic, not quite the same thing, is a better term, then the same base definitional logic applies, a random quantum event would not qualify as willpower because willpower implies not random.
You simply cannot some to terms with the base definitional concept of the nature of will. Will is purposeful. Will therefore cannot be ultimately free; will has to serve a purpose and therefore cannot be free. Will that was free of its purpose would not be will at all, it would be merely irrelevant random noise.