Some people are deluding themselves by trying to shoe-horn their perception of reality to fit in with limited human scientific discovery, and in doing so they have to sacrifice their gift of freedom and assume that everything they do is just unavoidable consequences to previous events.
Oh dear. In order:
1. It’s not a question “shoe-horning” anything. Many of our perceptions are partial or wrong – we can for example only see within the visible spectrum (ie, light), yet there is much of reality that lies outside of it (as various instruments show); it used to be thought for another example that a galloping horse kept one or more hooves on the ground until Eadweard Muybridge’s photography showed that it didn’t. There are countless more examples that show our perceptions to be a limited and often wrong guide to reality.
Contrary to your rather child-like notion that perception is a better guide to reality than the fruits of science, perception is only as good as evolution requires to it be. And as you should know by now but probably don’t, evolution carries no brief for objective reality.
2. Once again you attempt the fallacy of judgmental language. Of course scientific discovery is “limited” – that’s why people still
do science, to discover more – but that tells you nothing about the veracity or otherwise of speculations you or anyone else may make about supposed phenomena outside its reach or remit.
As you've had this explained to you several times without response this tactic is now dishonest, and you should stop doing it.
3. Grasping the most cogent and robust model of reality that the evidence provides isn’t “sacrificing” anything – it’s enhancing it. The sacrifice comes when people who think as you do have to deny or misrepresent the evidence so as to bend and force reality into the faith beliefs they happen to have. That's the only "shoe-horning" here.
Yet in the act of denying their freedom they are actually demonstrating it.
See above. The only “denial” here is your denial of the evidence in order to validate your various superstitions. That those superstitions also lack definition, cogent logic and investigable evidence just serves further to undermine you.
As we both know that this may as well be written in Swahili for all you’re able to grasp it though, I’ll leave you to the private grief of which you’re entirely unaware.