No, it’s a fact – I can cite various examples of it if you want me to.
No it's just your assertion that some of my replies are the equivalent of 2+2=5.
Indeed you went off on one a while back about sending your posts to me before editing or some such.
It is one solution to you stating that you perceive things in my messages that exist only in your imagination such as me "waving a fist" and you and Ippy perceiving aggression because of my choice of phrase. Not sure what that has to do with 2+2=5 but I'm sure it made sense in your head when you wrote it.
So far as I recall in our exchanges I’ve used only arguments – and on several occasions you’ve ignored them in favour of a, “well if you don’t like the way I phrase my answers then…” type response. The obvious example is when I asked you how you think statement A led to statement B, you told me all about statement A, then when I asked again you went down the, “well if you don’t like my answer then” line. Similarly I've explained why "supernatural" isn't possible/not possible apt, only for you to dance around it rather than engage with it.
I have not ignored it. I have answered it. You are free to assert that I haven't or assert that I am not engaging with your statements and assert that your opinion is fact but it doesn't get you anywhere.
That seems evasive to me, but whether or not deliberately so I can’t tell.
It also seemed to you that I was waving my fist, being aggressive and that I was upset by your line of questioning. Given those inaccurate assessments, feel free to add "evasive" to your list of inaccuracies.
So back to cases, are we to take it that you do have a faith belief that “God” exists outside of stories in a book or you don’t?
If you don’t want to answer that, just say so – it’ll save time at least.
I did answer this in #21383. Your failure to comprehend my answer doesn't worry me - you are one of many on a message board and it goes with the territory, given how diverse people are, that some people may not, or pretend not to, understand a point that a poster is making. If it works for you - feel free to label my post as evasive and assert this to be a fact.