No, it is not hope, just a genuine understanding that conscious perception can't be achieved by material entities alone.
Firstly, you have shown no understanding at all of the problem - just made bold assertions based (apparently) on nothing but logical fallacies, incredulity, intuition, and wishful thinking.
Secondly (as people keep pointing out), the amount of understanding you
would need to make your 'argument' work is a complete understanding of exactly what conciseness is and how it can be achieved, together with an equally complete understanding of the physical universe.
All the research currently being done in the areas such as artificial intelligence, robotics, neuroscience and cognitive science just involve the mechanisms of data flow from one place to another within complex networks. But data flow is not conscious perception.
How do you know that some kind of "data flow" isn't what produces conscious perception? You don't - nobody does.
Science has not been able to define what comprises conscious perception. It has not come close.
How do you know how close it's come? There have been suggestions, one of them might be entirely correct. We simply don't know.
So, on the one hand, we have your planet sized ego, intuition, incredulity, library of logical fallacies, and basic dishonesty. On the other, we have the honest attempts to understand the subject and the rational conclusion that it is still a work in progress.