Again it's likely to be a story and it's likely that you have missed some salient point in a typical atheist bowdlerisation.
Now in the story the whole world apart from a few were evil doers and were killed...presumably according to another part of the bible, to be resurrected by God.
The problem there, Vlad, is that even if the Noah flood is a story with a message and not a case of actual divine intervention, and I can why you would treat it as such since it didn't happen in reality (it would have left evidence and there ain't any), but you are still clinging to another story about us being resurrected, which is equally lacking in evidence.
I have no problem with the laws of nature ability to both harm and help or with God to intervene.
Nature is what it is, and those studying the mechanics (such as the volcano the is coming to the boil in Bali) aren't looking for anything divine as part of any explanation: so you are assuming your conclusion.
What I do find problematic is your slant which completely ignores that those so punished were particularly and possibly dangerously evil.
If the Noahic flood story was true there must have been a lot of 'dangerously evil' babies deserving of being drowned - do you think that in arranging this flood your God sounds reasonable?
it will be no surprise though that I think this is a story of being deluded into assuming we can have immunity and impunity from the vagaries of our own decadence.
No doubt there are people who are insightless regarding themselves, and probably we all are to various degrees, but I doubt many need
a story about mass drownings for them to realise that they have a responsibility to behave reasonably.