But reasons are not reactions. Reasons are formulated in our conscious awareness. They can be fabricated, imagined or selectively chosen by the driving force within our conscious awareness.
And does this "driving force" do things for reasons too, or does it do them for no reason? You seem intent on inventing ever more and more entities to avoid facing the fact that decisions are made because of things (deterministic) or because of nothing (random).
When you formulate a reason for something, there are either reasons for you to have done that (memories, experience, beliefs, and so on) or not, in which case it can only be random.
Reasons are not a firm foundation on which to prove that the human mind is entirely driven by chains of physical cause and effect.
How many times do I have to say that 'physical' has nothing to do with the logic?
Whether the mind is physical or not, it can only be driven by some sort of cause and effect, or be, to an extent, random. In other words, inventing a non-physical part of us in order to escape cause and effect, is futile.