And if I did try to do this, it would be through the power of my free will. If nature was in control, the concept of deliberately staying under water would not be possible because I would have no will of my own. As I said, nature does not control me - I am in control.
This sort of thinking implies that we are not part of nature, as if we were somewhat separate, antagonists in life, us and it. It is a way of thinking that has ancient roots, you can see it in early Hebrew scriptures for instance, Man taming nature, neolithic peoples clearing the forests to make way for agriculture and villages. True, we have altered the natural landscapes to suit our convenience, although now we are coming to understand that we are part of the system and tinkering with Nature has consequences for us. I think we need to drop this ancient us/it divide that separates us from the rest of the natural world, and this means dropping your notions of control, "I am not nature's puppet", "I control nature" etc; these are unhelpful and unwise ways of thinking. We are not supernatural agents parachuted into a base natural world, we are part of that world, evolved from an Ape lineage, entirely natural products of it, and our thinkings and doings and choices are all expressions of Nature.