Which is the inevitable conclusion if you rely entirely upon what can be discovered by our physical senses and man made instruments, whose investigations will be limited to perceiving how physical entities react to events. So it will be no surprise that any conclusions from such investigations will be based entirely upon the deterministic behaviour of physical materials.
But as I said - is contradicts my most fundamental perception of reality, and no amount of human attempts at physical explanations can take away the reality of my power to consciously choose through the power of my God given soul.
I'd put money on it that you didn't even read it
The paper draws on findings from neuropsychology, not materials science, and it makes the point that I've often made to you, that our conscious awareness is not the driver of choice and action, but rather it is a retrospective phenomenon, an 'end product', to use their terms, of a chain of non-conscious processing which is where real executive control occurs. To claim that executive power resides in conscious awareness is akin to claiming that a rainbow caused the thunderstorm that preceded it, to borrow their analogy. Of course it doesn't feel that way, to us, but there again, 'how it feels' is a construction, a fabrication, of precursor states of mind, so how could we possibly know.