We have the freedom to choose, to think, to act, to speak, to create, to discover, to imagine, to dream, to speculate, to lie, to deceive, to love, to ..... I could go on . I rejoice in my God given freedom, and feel very sad that some do not fully realise just what this precious gift is. The only alternative is a total denial of freedom - to presume that everything we do, think, or say is entirely pre determined by the physically determined reactions to events in our brain over which we can have no control because they will be defined by the uncontrollable laws of nature
Of course we all feel that sense of freedom, so much, so obvious. Some of us like to delve a little deeper though, and try to understand our human condition, and in the course of that, simplistic notions of freedom have to go as they become meaningless eventually. Far more profound than mere feelings are the principles of cause and effect and the arrow of time, and our feelings of freedom still arise despite being subject to the arrow of time. All the evidence suggests that humans, like everything else are subject to and product of such principles. If I end up choosing a tea rather than a coffee, and enjoying the sense of freedom to so do, it will be because I wanted the tea in that moment more than the coffee, and I was merely acting on my de facto preference, not choosing it. We cannot choose what to want, what to prefer, what to believe, because all these suggestions are meaningless, and you yourself have been unable to suggest any basis on which we could choose what to want other than by wanting to want it. Bottom line :
things happen for a reason and that includes choices made by brains, and it is good that it is so; the alternative would be inconceivable madness.