AB has fooled you too
It's time to take a different approach to him 👍
For what it’s worth, I used to think that AB was lying but I no longer do. Lying would involve deliberate misrepresentation of things the interlocutor said in order to attack his own straw men versions of them – ie, Vladdism. AB on the other hand doesn’t get that far – rather he seems to me to have an exceptionally severe case of cognitive dissonance – however cogently and pellucidly put he just doesn’t see the arguments that undo him
when they concern his faith beliefs. That’s why the exchanges with him are the equivalent of:
AB: “Tooth Fairy”!
X: “But all the reasoning and evidence we have points to a different explanation.”
A: “Tooth Fairy!”
X: "But look – here’s CCTV of your Mum putting the 50p under your pillow last night and taking the tooth away."
A: “Tooth Fairy! Mum doing it is absolutely impossible/I can’t imagine a better answer/how would you deny my personal relationship with the Tooth Fairy?” etc
X: “But they’re all logical fallacies, and here’s why…”
AB: “OK, maybe all my arguments for the Tooth Fairy aren’t absolutely watertight, but still… Tooth Fairy!”
X: Your problem isn’t that they’re “not watertight”, it’s that they’re
wrong – flat wrong in fact for reasons that have been explained to you many times now.”
AB: “Tooth Fairy!”
And so it goes, forever it seems.
Oddly I suspect that, in a different arena, he would recognise his mistakes. His inordinate fondness for circular reasoning for example (“God planned us all along/The chances of us emerging accidentally are very remote/therefore God planned us all along” etc) would fall away if I were to say to him:
1.Either leprechauns exist or the moon is made of cheese
2.The moon is not made of cheese.
3.Therefore, leprechauns exist
He'd quickly see the problem, yet that’s exactly the construction above he returns to and relies on over and again.
It’s very odd (and not a little chilling I find) but there it is nonetheless.