Having found the truth, I cannot possibly close the door on that truth.
It's an odd kind of 'truth' that leaves you completely unable to explain how you know it, claiming the logically impossible, and unable to provide even the hint of any evidence or reasoning to support it. Seems more like a subjective belief and a closed mind...
If you had a truly open mind yourself, you would surely realise the possibility (and probability) of God's existence, but from what I read of your posts and some others on this forum, the door which allows God into your life has been firmly closed.
One of the favourite untruths of 'believers'. It's not a question of 'closing a door' (whatever that's actually supposed to mean) or being closed-minded. I don't think anybody is denying the
possibility of the existence of some sort of god - but there seems to be no reason at all to take the idea seriously.
There is no reason why an omnipotent, omniscient god would have any trouble making both its existence and its message clear to everybody and yet there is no hint that it is anything but a primitive superstition.
I'm happy to consider new evidence or arguments and, unlike you, I don't think I
know the truth and that nothing will change my mind. Who then, has the closed mind?