I can accept most of what you are saying, but none of this answers the question:
How I can be accused of personal incredulity if everything I do is entirely determined by natural occurring events outside of my control?
Yes it does answer that question. In the sentence, “I identify your use of the argument from personal incredulity” the “I” and the “your” just refer to terms for selfhood that are apparent to us but that are no more than practically useful constructions. Without them we couldn’t function – there’d be no “you” to send the gas bill to, no “me” to buy my wife a birthday present etc.
That doesn’t mean though that there isn’t a deeper reality – that the “you” and “I” “we” perceive aren’t assemblies of countless interacting constituent parts from which the emergent properties of “you” and “I” emerge. You can tell us as much as you like that “your” deepest sense of reality tells you something, but that’s no more reliable a guide to epistemic truth than you telling us that your deepest sense of reality tells you that you’re actually touching the coffee cup you’re holding. Sometimes there are truths and realities deeper and more nuanced than our immediate perceptions allow.
The mistake here is to think that evolution requires us to identify “the” truth, and that that truth is what we perceive it to be. Evolution though needs to provide only truths that are functionally useful, and thus has equipped us with the senses and quick thinking to do that that have stood us in good stead for millennia. More recently though we’ve developed better tools and reasoning that tell us that underlying those apparent truths are deeper ones, and no doubt in due course we’ll identify deeper ones still. And that’s why simply taking a paradox (“free” will) that occurs only at the top line, apparent truth level (but is explained by deeper understandings) and inventing a little man at the controls called “soul” to explain it away is just poor thinking.
Sorry, but there it is no matter how much it upsets the long-held faith beliefs “you” happen to have.