yet I am free to use my gift of free thought to offer alternative scenarios based on the conscious willpower of the human soul, which reflect the reality I perceive that I am free to choose my own thoughts, words and actions.
That is flawed, born of habitually poor conceptualisation and rationalisation of how thoughts work. As far as conscious thoughts go, we do not choose our thoughts; thoughts happen, thoughts occur to us, thoughts cross our mind. We do not delve into our subconscious mind, inspect the thoughts down there and decide to bring one out into the light and think it. It doesn't work like that and couldn't possibly work like that. All our thoughts originate in subconscious levels of mind and by subliminal processes of prioritisation, some thoughts are fleetingly escalated into conscious mind, at which point "we" are aware of them. Neuroscience has a name for this phenomenon, it is known as the
dolphin model of cognition - like dolphins spend most of their time just below the surface of the ocean, so too our thoughts spend most of their time just below the level of conscious awareness and only fleetingly emerge into the light.
So it may feel like you are choosing your thoughts, but that is not what is really happening, in fact it would be closer to the truth to say that your thoughts choose you. If you happen to have a good thought, you can act upon it, but we cannot just choose to have a good thought - all thoughts compete with each other for dominion and the thought we 'choose' to act upon is the one that wins out in that battle. There is no place for a concept of 'freedom' in this. That 'freedom' is an emergent phenomenon of higher levels of mind, it is a feeling, just as being hot is a feeling or being confused is a feeling. All feelings are constructions derived from lower levels of mind, all of which operates on deterministic principles.
You don't need to accept neuroscience findings on trust to get your head round this, there are simple thought experiments you can use to demonstrate the truth of it to yourself through personal experience. For instance, name a capital city; just name the first one that comes to mind. To do that, did you consciously inspect your stored memories looking for a capital city ? Or did it somehow just emerge into mind, seemingly by itself ? Truth is, we do not choose our thoughts, but rather our conscious thoughts are delivered up to us from, and by, lower levels of mind.