Categorising all religious belief as superstition betrays your profound ignorance of the subject.
Religious beliefs that involve miracle claims, are based on anecdotal stories in holy books dating from antiquity that have uncertain provenance and are indistinguishable from fiction, where the proponents such as yourself can advance no credible case but lots of incoherent and/or fallacious arguments and where adherents have developed special behaviours seems pretty much like superstition to me.
Were it the case that religion was a private activity it wouldn't matter so much: but it isn't, and since an aim of some religious people is to evangelise so that religion(s) have an active role in general society and social policy then it is as reasonable for the likes of myself to express concern regarding what some religious beliefs entail - your own contributions to this Forum highlight the problem.
There are, thankfully, religious people who are far more nuanced than you are and who don't seek to evangelise or promote as fact that which clearly isn't.