Yes...'any idiot could see that the world was flat'...but that was wrong.
Similarly...'any idiot can see that there is nothing more than physical laws operating in the world'...and ....'any idiot can see that it is the brain that produces all experiences' .....could also be wrong.
Or, conversely, anyone can see that there has to be a spiritual non material dimension to our lives, and/or anyone can see that some of our deepest experiences come from some sort of divine presence... could also be wrong.

It is worth considering how AB has decided that there has to be a god, which is the same god of the psalmists, and because he feels this personally, he has decided that he knows that this god truly exists. As he says, he puts his 'trust and faith' in his God. He mentions what you have said in his response in post 30916, but, glaringly, seems to forget your last highly significant phrase'.....could also be wrong'.