Sword, where you have written in your post as follows:
'It is not religious people who need to grow up. It is atheists like you, unable to handle the fact that there is a God. Try as you might, you come up with all sorts of excuses to deny the obvious, to deny the truth'.
I see what it is you're saying Sword, the only trouble with making excuses to deny the obvious as you put it makes it pretty obvious that I can only answer you with a question, denying what?
Please let me know any of the evidence that I have to assume you have that this he, she or it figure you are referring to as god really does exist or be a first and hit the world media with this evidence you seem to think you have, that is of course if you have anything viable, you know something that'll stand up to scrutiny.
If you think about it Sword, the world media might be just a tad interested in anyone that has some conclusive evidence that this god figure of your imagination does in fact exist in reality.
I await your reply Sword, I suspect a long wait?
Regards ippy