Where does this freedom to think come from?
What is driving your thought patterns?
What is driving my thought patterns?
Do you or I have control?
Or are we just predetermined by the unavoidable physical reactions involved in the electrochemical activity in our brain cells?
For heaven's sake, Alan. Why do you repeat yourself so much? You've already asked much the same questions before. E.g. Your post 32245, to which you had repies from myself(Post 32256), as well as others. Do you think that simply be repeating yourself, people are going to change their minds? It seems to me that if you really want to influence people's thinking you should at least try to engage with responses by putting up some form of coherent arguments which can encapsulate your point of view. It seems to me that this is something that you find very difficult to do, unfortunately, and leads to such forlorn messages as
I must confess that I am at a loss to know how anyone could be in denial that they have this amazing gift of freewill.
. Such a heartfelt response doesn't even begin to connect with those who don't see 'free will' as you see it, and don't even accept that it is some sort of 'gift'.