You have none. Calling something “spiritual” in order to take it outside the constraints of logic isn’t logic – it’s just magical thinking.
You can't equate choices with inevitable reactions.
Yes you can when the workaday experience
of choice can only provide an impossible explanation
for it. Your experience of choice tells you nothing about what’s actually going on – which is why you always run away when you’re asked how you’d get from one to the other.
That is a logical statement.
It’s a logically
false statement, as you’d know if ever you bothered to engage with the argument that falsifies it.
Any supposed logic which equates choice with unavoidable reaction is obviously flawed.
We know now that what you mean by “flawed” is in fact, “contradicts some faith beliefs I cannot accept may be wrong” which actually tells you nothing at all about whether or not the arguments you happen not to like are
actually flawed.
The argument is simple.
I have the freedom to consciously choose.
That’s not an argument – it’s an assertion. It’s also an epistemologically worthless one because it relies on the “it’s magic innit” of “spiritual”, which is the
abandonment of argument and logic in favour of mindless woo.
Apart from all that though…