I don't have a problem. I don't mind that you are still not getting it, although you are of course free to believe that you are, and are free to continue to write posts that don't address the point i am making and to continue to believe that the thoughts, feelings and motivations you ascribe to me are in fact my own thoughts. It is after all your usual style of posting on this forum.
My point of comparison addressed a transgender activist argument that you are what you claim you are regardless of biology because there is an innate you that trumps biology and other people are required by law to accept your claim as fact. Hence, for example, you can change the sex on your birth certificate, because your biology is not fact so your biological sex is just something that is assigned to you at birth based on beliefs (i.e. a social construct) and not based on science.
The argument then becomes that gender identity is not a social construct or a belief but is fact based on an innate gender - which seems to be a form of mind-body duality. So while non-human mammals are considered male or female based on biological evidence, the claims of trans people are accommodated without the need for objective evidence. So my point was that society accommodates such claims of duality as reality or fact without the need for objective evidence to support those claims, and this is done based on a subjective feeling of reality. And i compared this to Alan's perception of reality based on the words he wrote about...well, his beliefs about reality.
That you interpret Alan's words in a different way from me is fine - it is to be expected on a forum that there will be disagreement. That you insist that I am not interpreting and am reinventing is also fine as this forum is a place where people are free to state their beliefs.
An alternative view to the above trans argument, which may not be currently politically acceptable, is that biological sex is fact and not a belief and therefore any transgender activist claims that their innate feelings are fact should not be considered established fact by society.
But as i said, if you continue believing that your interpretation of Alan's posts and my posts are objectively right, that is of course something for you to deal with. I don't have a problem with you disagreeing with me or believing you know what I am thinking or believing you know what is right.
Doubtless all this meant something to you when you typed it. Just to re-cap the relevant points though:
1. AB has asserted (and continues to assert) an objective, “out there” supposed fact about an entity he calls “soul” that’s a truth for everyone if only the rest of us could see it.
2. You then tried a series of irrelevant responses about how he’s describing accurately his perception of something. They’re irrelevant because no-one doubts that he’s describing his perception, any more than we would doubt your perception that the Eiffel tower exists. The point though remains that he’s overreaching by claiming as a fact something he has no means to establish is a fact rather than just an opinion, and a self-contradictory one at that. That’s the “experience of vs explanation for” question he always runs away from.
That is, you conflated the
method of the argument (personal perception) with its
content (supposed fact).
3. You then told us that this wasn’t what you were doing (wrongly as it happens), but that instead you were just “interpreting” what he said. When it was explained to you that interpretation involves explaining what’s actually said rather than re-inventing it you shifted ground briefly by telling us that what you were really doing was just telling us how you treat his claims and assertions, but then you reverted to the interpretation line even though it had already been falsified.
4. At various times you tried to draw an analogy with claims of objectively true facts about the universe (eg, “soul”) with subjective, experiential categorisations (gender, transsexualism). When that category error was explained to you rather than address the problem you just doubled down on the mistake by repeating it. I still don’t know why you think them to be analogous because for some reason you seem to be unwilling or unable to tells us, preferring instead to tell us that you’ve already addressed the problem even though you’ve done no such thing.
So where all that leaves us is with AB’s continued use of mindless, self-contradictory and epistemologically worthless assertions of fact, and with your circumlocutions around that that never seem to get to the central problem that they
are mindless, self-contradictory and epistemologically worthless assertions of fact.