But it just does not add up does it?
You claim at one level we can have meaningful discussions between individuals, some of whom can apparently make themselves look stupid.
But all this is undermined by your proposed explanation which renders everything to have been entirely predetermined by events before anyone becomes consciously aware of what they chose to write.
You consciously choose to adhere to this anomaly by presuming that the superficial level is "just the way it seems" and works fine for everyday use.
Can you not see the impossibility of you having the freedom to consciously choose to expound a theory which would deny you the conscious freedom to deduce and proclaim it?
How can you expect people to take this seriously? But I forgot - we can have no choice in the matter.
Are you actually not reading the plain words you’re being given repeatedly that explain very clearly where you’re going wrong here, or can you genuinely not understand them?
Within the framework of conscious awareness there
is meaning – and lots of it: we argue, we fall in love, we commit crimes, we cry when our children are born, we do all sorts of things that our conscious selves find to be deeply meaningful.
Have you got that so far? Good.
OK, deep breath now. BUT…all that meaning IS ONLY WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF CONSCIOUS AWARENESS. Underneath that sit all sorts of processes for which the narrow, conscious sense of meaning is meaning
less. They just can’t care. If there are any, the aliens on Alpha Centauri don’t care. The universe itself other than the tiny, minuscule, insignificant part of it that comprises your conscious awareness doesn’t care either. None of it matters at all except for when it matters only to the consciously aware part of us that can care.
Still with me? Fine.
So what is the nature those processes that so much more profoundly define the universe than the infinitesimally small sliver of it that’s your personal “perception”? Strap in – this is where you’re overweening sense of self-importance and solipsism fall apart – they’re
deterministic. There’s cause and effect all the way down, or at least all the way down so far as we can tell to the quantum field level, and even then we’re not sure whether there’s “true” randomness.
And here’s the final nail in your coffin of magical thinking: consciousness itself is just an emergent property of all that vast well of cause and effect that’s going on under the bonnet. Or it least it is if you’re to follow the evidence rather that superstitions that were already outdated some 300 years ago.
Now copy and paste this into a document, print it and stick in on a wall close to your computer. The next time you’re even tempted to post the idiocy of “but with determinism there’s no meaning” as if that were either:
A. True;
orB. Relevant
You can pause, anticipate the mistake, stop typing and silently thank me for putting you straight.
And effort requires the conscious freedom which you deny exists.
Telling lies for Jesus is doing you no favours here. No-one denies that it exists – what
is denied is just your incoherent, fallacy-laden, self-aggrandising
version of it. See above.