Others have undone you again already I see, though no doubt their falsifying arguments will fall on deaf ears just as they have so often before. For what it’s worth though, the statement “Oh, it's you - faith claim only then. OK, as you were” referred specifically to your unqualified, un-argued, un-evidenced assertion that it’s impossible for consciousness to emerge as a materialistic phenomenon. Not only is this something you cannot know to be the case, it also flatly contradicts the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. As an example of emergence try looking at this video, specifically the example of simple “food” seeking robots:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdTBqBnqhaQThe point here is that, even with basic neural networks armed with very few instructions complex behaviours (in this case a task improving communication method) will emerge spontaneously. Brains are bogglingly more complex neural networks than this one, yet entirely as an article of faith you just assert that consciousness cannot emerge from them. I have no idea why you think that, other than that fiction then allows you to insert various superstitious beliefs into that initial error in reasoning. And that presumably is why you’ll never be honest about this – it’s because you see this “it’s impossible” position to be central to enabling your faith beliefs, and so removing it would threaten them. And that’s something you could never allow.
The evidence you continue to dismiss is our obvious ability to direct our own thought processes according to our conscious will.
All that’s obvious is that this simplistic thinking describes the
experience of “free” will, but falls apart the moment you apply reason to how the phenomenon must actually take place.
The scenario which you proclaim to be the only explanation…
No-one does that. Rather it’s
the only explanation so far that’s logically sound and evidence-based.
…involves pre determined…
Again with the wrong term? Why do you keep doing that? “Deterministic” is the word you’re looking for (and have been given many times). “Pre-determined” implies an intelligent agency to make decisions
a priori – something you cannot know to be the case.
…reactions driven entirely by laws of physics resulting in end reactions which are beyond any interventional control or manipulation.
Again, wrong terms but in essence yes. If you want to argue for “manipulation” outwith cause and effect, then you have a huge problem in basic logic to resolve first.
Why do I have the feeling you’re about to collapse into the
argumentum ad consequentiam fallacy again?
… your thoughts and words are entirely pre defined before you are aware of them, how can you possibly claim any credit or credence for what you say? To reach any conclusion requires the freedom to consciously drive your own thought processes, otherwise the result will command no credibility.
Oh dear, sure enough... The “I” that can take credit or blame is a functionally useful construct that well-describes the lived experience of being human. On a day-to-day basis it enables all of us to navigate the world we appear to inhabit, and up until around the mid-seventeenth century when people started to think harder about these things that model was taken to be “the” reality. Now however we - well, many of us – know it to be just
a reality and that deeper, more logically robust realities sit beneath it.
You know this already though because it’s been explained to you by me and by others eleventy gazillion times, but your only response is to ignore the argument and to make the same old mistakes in reasoning.
Why bother?
When you come to account for how you have used your gift of freewill - (a gift which defies any physical explanation) can you honestly claim that you never had such a gift?
Mostly because the premise that I have a “gift” at all is itself just a faith belief, and an incoherent one at that.