No matter how complex and integrated the processing, if every event is determined by past events, the end result can only be an inevitable reaction.
The only way to introduce any concept of personal control would be for such control to be determined from the present, not the past.
Firstly, this is just your oft repeated
argumentum ad consequentiam fallacy. Secondly, you still haven't said why our choices cannot be "inevitable reactions". Thirdly, you're trying to redefine words ("control") again, rather that put forward and logic or reasoning. And fourthly, "determined from the present" is still irrelevant gibberish.
You -
the person you are - determines what it wants to do according to its personality, tastes, abilities, current state of mind, and so on - and sure you can say that happens "in the present" in some loose (and logically irrelevant) sense of the word - but in fact, all of those factors got the way they are because of the past. If that were not the case, then, in part, they got that way for no reason at all (random).
You've claimed "sound" logic but it looks as if you didn't even bother to find out what that means, let alone take any time to study valid and invalid logical arguments. How about a bit of honesty? How about admitting you have no sound reasoning and either go back to find out what it means and try to find some or stop the pretence that you have evidence or reasoning to back up what you say entirely?