So, Alan, you have no answers, so it's Back to the childish foot-stamping.
You seem to be stuck in the groove of not being able to envisage the freedom we all enjoy.
Me stuck in a groove? Says the guy who endless and mindlessly repeats his logic- and reasoning-free script that has been torn to shreds countless times and never properly engages with counterarguments or properly answers questions.
Matthew 7:5
Here comes the script again...
A freedom which does not tie us to past events, but frees us to choose our own path in life.
Logically, to the extent we are "free" from the past, we can only act randomly - that's what being free from the past
I fully agree that in a materialistic scenario, the same circumstances would produce the same result...
The argument against you is
logical and has
nothing to do with the "materialistic scenario" -
please stop the blatant misrepresentation.
Exodus 20:16
What's more, if you could resolve the logical problem,
you could no longer claim that it couldn't be physical because we don't know everything about the physical world. Your "argument" collapses in every single way.
...but to extrapolate this limitation and to apply it to the working of the human mind fails to fit in with reality, because human achievements and potential capabilities far exceed anything which can be generated from past events alone.
Baseless assertion.
In what way do "human achievements" require the ability to have done differently with no randomness?
You can't assert reality into conforming to your fantasies - doubly so when you
previously claimed to have logic. Stamping your little foot and just insisting over and over again that our experience or human history is evidence for you illogical nonsense, will not actually make it so - and it most certainly is not "sound logic".
Since you still haven't answered the questions I've asked, let's try again.
Can you or can you not resolve the
purely logical contradiction that if we could have done differently in exactly the same circumstances then there can be no possible reason why, so it must be random?
Can you or can you not answer the question about your claims of evidence in what people post:
in what way does anything that anybody posts indicate that they could have done differently without randomness? If you can't answer, will you stop making the claim.
You claimed you had sound logic. Where is it? Were you lying? Did you not understand the implication?
If you can't produce any logic, and you are basically an honest person, why won't you just admit it?