ippy, Never Talk to Strangers, Alan Burns, Anchorman...
Science is science, we can all agree on that, can't we?? and Almighty God talks as if He knows something about science and you can't deny that either...Jesus Christ claims to be The Way, The Truth, and The Life, which is a posh way of saying everything I (Jesus) says is scientifically true...you won't understand it, but have faith, because its all true. Now, Alan has applied that truth and is no doubt interacting with that science by faith, and therefore will have a little extra protection against the invisible things we need extra strength for at the moment...You see...one of our greatest threats, at the moment, requires us to have a strong and active immune system...science is in chaos over it all, but our strong immune system is fired by our nervous strength and so an extra precaution will be to follow the spiritual teaching of Jesus Christ because it is the same as increasing our immune strength, and even if you can't agree with me, you will have personally taken a positive stance against all bizarre viral behaviour...Courtesy of our Deity.