Author Topic: Searching for GOD...  (Read 3735977 times)


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Re: Searching for GOD...
« Reply #42100 on: October 20, 2020, 09:31:29 AM »
This is not any kind of Christian theology I undersyand. God is not "made" of anything, but is the Creator of everything.
I know atheists don't accept this - fairy nuff - but amongst those of us calling ourselves Christian, that is a given.
Scripture nowhere describes the substance which constitutes God - 'Spirit' is a translation, in both Hebrew and Greek, of something like 'breath', annd not a spark of electrical, emotional, ectoplasmical gobbldegook.

You see...when you read the Holy Bible, accurately,  you find that Almighty God is involved in every behaviour pattern, which includes every science, which means that everything, all matter and all mass is spawned from the same stuff...a dynamic energy, Biblically called, God's Living Waters,  and understanding the master code of that stuff is what is offered by the Holy Bible...and leads us to many spin-off sciences we desperately need upbuilding our nervous/electrical/spiritual strength so that our immunity against all viruses is as strong as possible...a side issue contained within the accurate teaching of Jesus which is all about upbuilding our own righteous spirit so that we are true representatives of our Deity, being, Almighty God, Yhwh/Jehovah, and Yahshua/Jesus Christ...and, of course, our own righteous spirit.


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Re: Searching for GOD...
« Reply #42101 on: October 20, 2020, 09:38:47 AM »
More scientific illiteracy: nothing can be made of energy. Energy isn't stuff, it's a property, not a thing in itself.

The rest is just more pseudo-religious waffle with no attempt at any sort of argument.

Make no mistake about it, plasma clouds, travelling at the speed of light, and then at the speed of the expanding universe, is definitely energy.


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Re: Searching for GOD...
« Reply #42102 on: October 20, 2020, 09:45:26 AM »
Make no mistake about it, plasma clouds, travelling at the speed of light, and then at the speed of the expanding universe, is definitely energy.

Drivel. Plasma doesn't travel at the speed of light (it consists of massive partciles, so it can't), and it definitely isn't made of energy. Plasma has energy. I repeat, nothing can be energy, things (and arrangements of things) have energy.
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Re: Searching for GOD...
« Reply #42103 on: October 20, 2020, 10:01:53 AM »
You see...when you read the Holy Bible, accurately,  you find that Almighty God is involved in every behaviour pattern, which includes every science, which means that everything, all matter and all mass is spawned from the same stuff...a dynamic energy, Biblically called, God's Living Waters,  and understanding the master code of that stuff is what is offered by the Holy Bible...and leads us to many spin-off sciences we desperately need upbuilding our nervous/electrical/spiritual strength so that our immunity against all viruses is as strong as possible...a side issue contained within the accurate teaching of Jesus which is all about upbuilding our own righteous spirit so that we are true representatives of our Deity, being, Almighty God, Yhwh/Jehovah, and Yahshua/Jesus Christ...and, of course, our own righteous spirit.


NM; I'll ignore everything after your first sentence.
I'll ask you; Have YOU read the Scriptures 'accurately'? Have you read them in Hebrew? Koine Greek? Aramaic?
I have - albeit many years ago, as my software doesn't 'do' them nowadays.
I've read at least eleven translations in English, one in Scots, one in French and, sorry, but I'm struggling with a Ferman one.
Have you used an interlinear?
Where did you study hermeneutics or the formation of Scripture? Or did you just buy a Bible and theorise?
You propound theories that simply do not relate to Scripture.
You can't hammer them in using gobbledegook.
Now science - real science - is amazing; incredible and speakes to me of God's mind in creation whilst not forcing me to fling Scripture at it to conflate the two - they are separate - yes; both speak of the power of God, but to mangle either to justify both cheapens your message.

"for, as long as but a hundred of us remain alive, never will we on any conditions be brought under English rule. It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."


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Re: Searching for GOD...
« Reply #42104 on: October 20, 2020, 10:02:09 AM »
Or, for instance, you might be interested to see how it is that people can come to believe in this so profoundly? Or you could be trying to counter some of the claims in order to prevent others falling into the trap because you're worried that religion is a pernicious influence in the world? Just some possibilities.

Firstly, that 'if' at the start of the sentence is doing an awful lot of work; second, atoms are not 'behaviour', arguably health isn't a behaviour either, it's the outcome of a number of factors of which behaviour can be one; thirdly what does 'spiritual' mean, it seems like a synonym for 'unevidenced trait'; if 'spiritual is composed of some base energy (which, as Never Talks to Strangers has pointed out misunderstands the nature of energy) then it can be measured - do you have any sort of basis for making that claim, any theory on how we'd measure that quanta being added or removed from a total?

That's a bit of a reach to presume complex advanced scientific interpretation is valid from the poetic translation of the selectively edited and subsequently amended accounts of at least three different authors, of which none might actually be the alleged 'Isaiah' in question, especially in the absence of a verifiable theory to confirm the claim.

The Ten Commandments (of which there are varying accounts, but sticking with the traditional set) are four pieces of fairy tale fanboy convention, one piece of restriction of freedom of speech, movement and belief (keep the Sabbath day 'holy'), one piece of blatant authoritarianism (honour thy father and mother), and then half a dozen versions of crudely simplistic moralisations which are far from unique to Judaeo-Christian tradition.  They might be a good place to start, but they're pretty much done in five minutes and they do nothing to demonstrate a 'spiritual' being is even a meaningful concept, let alone that we might have a symbiotic/parasitic/Pokemontastic relationship with one.

Those rules... like 'do not covet they neighbour's (insert object of choice), whilst Israel slowly steals the land of the Palestinians that they 'covet'... like 'do not murder' whilst they send troops in to Palestinian territories on a regular basis to break up the infrastructure that keeps those people alive and enforce blockades on humanitarian supplies to the region...


Oh...where do I begin...History is playing out exactly as the Holy Bible says it will. Almighty God has delivered a wonderful science to us, through His Son, Jesus Christ, to help us through these 'last days', difficult times hard to deal with...ignore Him if you wish. Many of the Jews do and they will get their just reward...but it will only be after a final plea to them to repent. Jesus has earnt a special place of merit in God's heart because he followed righteousness to the letter of the law and received the reward for being see...those who want an unfettered reign over the people don't want righteousness getting in their way...but our Deity won't remain silent. The Science of Righteousness will continue after the current great tribulations and you may or may not be part of it, depending on whether we can repent and here is why it is wise to. We each have an indestructible spirit and whether it remains here on planet Earth, in the flesh, in peace, happiness, good health, and good order, or is whisked away to spend eternity in a fiery lake of sulphur depends upon our own righteous attitude.

« Last Edit: October 20, 2020, 11:39:27 AM by NicholasMarks »


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Re: Searching for GOD...
« Reply #42105 on: October 20, 2020, 10:24:17 AM »
Oh...where do I begin...

Why not try some actual reasoning and an argument for what you believe instead of the incoherent "stream of consciousness" about your own personal, and totally unsupported, blind faith?
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Re: Searching for GOD...
« Reply #42106 on: October 20, 2020, 11:34:59 AM »
Why not try some actual reasoning and an argument for what you believe instead of the incoherent "stream of consciousness" about your own personal, and totally unsupported, blind faith?

Remember what I said about denial...You have convinced yourself that you are right and the shock that you are wrong is too much for you to bear and so you are just attacking it. There is a wonderful book out there that doesn't need my interpretation but out of caring for my fellow man I want to steer you, and anyone who will listen towards the wonderful truth it contains...a science, called righteousness...You want to know the scientific truth...but you can't take that scientific truth.


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Re: Searching for GOD...
« Reply #42107 on: October 20, 2020, 11:48:51 AM »
Remember what I said about denial...You have convinced yourself that you are right and the shock that you are wrong is too much for you to bear and so you are just attacking it.

This literally made me laugh out loud. First, it's just another utterly unsupported assertion and second, you are so obviously wrong the irony is off the chart. I can't actually remember a single statement about science that you've made that wasn't completely and obviously wrong. These are things anybody can check, it's not a matter of opinion (latest example: plasma cannot travel at the speed of light and isn't made of energy).

...a science, called righteousness...You want to know the scientific truth...but you can't take that scientific truth.

You have demonstrated beyond any shadow of doubt that your knowledge of science is all but non-existent. You appear to be living in a fantasy world all of your own. Stamping your little foot and insisting over and over again that you're right is not going to convince anybody. For that you'll need some sort of reasoning and/or evidence - and, if you're going to talk about science, learning enough to stop getting everything you say about it totally wrong.
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Re: Searching for GOD...
« Reply #42108 on: October 20, 2020, 12:02:38 PM »

NM; I'll ignore everything after your first sentence.
I'll ask you; Have YOU read the Scriptures 'accurately'? Have you read them in Hebrew? Koine Greek? Aramaic?
I have - albeit many years ago, as my software doesn't 'do' them nowadays.
I've read at least eleven translations in English, one in Scots, one in French and, sorry, but I'm struggling with a Ferman one.
Have you used an interlinear?
Where did you study hermeneutics or the formation of Scripture? Or did you just buy a Bible and theorise?
You propound theories that simply do not relate to Scripture.
You can't hammer them in using gobbledegook.
Now science - real science - is amazing; incredible and speakes to me of God's mind in creation whilst not forcing me to fling Scripture at it to conflate the two - they are separate - yes; both speak of the power of God, but to mangle either to justify both cheapens your message.

You may not have realised but the whole message in this post you responded to is one sentence. My reasoning is that because Almighty God's universe is the product of one wonderful energy, that all science is the product of that energy...and our lead scientists are a team...who administer the highest science achievable from their knowledge as a part-time job, because they also double as our Deity to many mansions in their universe, of which, planet Earth, is just one...a multifaceted role of Almighty God, Yhwh/Jehovah, and His much loved Son, Yahshua/Jesus Christ...I would rather have their science than be multilingual.


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Re: Searching for GOD...
« Reply #42109 on: October 20, 2020, 12:12:17 PM »

Remember what I said about denial...You have convinced yourself that you are right and the shock that you are wrong is too much for you to bear and so you are just attacking it. There is a wonderful book out there that doesn't need my interpretation but out of caring for my fellow man I want to steer you, and anyone who will listen towards the wonderful truth it contains...a science, called righteousness...You want to know the scientific truth...but you can't take that scientific truth.

Don't be so silly, Nick. It is you who can't accept that you find it impossible to find any reason or evidence to support your totally 'pie in the sky' views or you would have given some by now. It is you that have convinced yourself that you are right and that you are some kind of aid to pointing people towards the path of salvation, incidentally whilst condemning and threatening those who don't follow your exhortations. You have no idea of what science means. All you have is your distorted crude version of it which obviously satisfies your rather sad longing to be some sort of important cog in guiding humanity in the direction which you think is the right one. It is you who are in complete denial, Nick,and, sad to say, you're just not willing to learn.
Sometimes I wish my first word was 'quote,' so that on my death bed, my last words could be 'end quote.'
Steven Wright


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Re: Searching for GOD...
« Reply #42110 on: October 20, 2020, 12:15:40 PM »
This literally made me laugh out loud. First, it's just another utterly unsupported assertion and second, you are so obviously wrong the irony is off the chart. I can't actually remember a single statement about science that you've made that wasn't completely and obviously wrong. These are things anybody can check, it's not a matter of opinion (latest example: plasma cannot travel at the speed of light and isn't made of energy).

You have demonstrated beyond any shadow of doubt that your knowledge of science is all but non-existent. You appear to be living in a fantasy world all of your own. Stamping your little foot and insisting over and over again that you're right is not going to convince anybody. For that you'll need some sort of reasoning and/or evidence - and, if you're going to talk about science, learning enough to stop getting everything you say about it totally wrong.

I used the word plasma because it gives a feel for what is a wonderful dynamic energy Biblically called God's Living Waters. In its purest form it is invisible and virtually undetectable but it all drifted together into many, huge, dense clouds, each of galaxy proportions, before erupting in a very special and provable way...Now, even here we have made a massive improvement on the ridiculous scientific explanation that everything erupted out of nothing...a singularity, which any school child knows is impossible.



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Re: Searching for GOD...
« Reply #42111 on: October 20, 2020, 12:19:37 PM »

You may not have realised but the whole message in this post you responded to is one sentence. My reasoning is that because Almighty God's universe is the product of one wonderful energy, that all science is the product of that energy...and our lead scientists are a team...who administer the highest science achievable from their knowledge as a part-time job, because they also double as our Deity to many mansions in their universe, of which, planet Earth, is just one...a multifaceted role of Almighty God, Yhwh/Jehovah, and His much loved Son, Yahshua/Jesus Christ...I would rather have their science than be multilingual.

This is arrant nonsense.
Any reading of a - recognised - translation of Scripture would show that Jesus IS god - in every possible respect. You seem to overlook this, yet it is fundamental to anything remotely Christian.
You really need to read Professor Alistair McGrath.
He, unlike your good self, knows what he's talking about. You may not agree with him, but you must concede, that, unlike yourself, he is both a well respected scientist - that's a REAL scientist - and a very committed Christian. If you dare to actually read his many books, you might find that your theology and pseudoscientific fantasy is quite simply rubbish.
"for, as long as but a hundred of us remain alive, never will we on any conditions be brought under English rule. It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."


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Re: Searching for GOD...
« Reply #42112 on: October 20, 2020, 12:29:49 PM »
Don't be so silly, Nick. It is you who can't accept that you find it impossible to find any reason or evidence to support your totally 'pie in the sky' views or you would have given some by now. It is you that have convinced yourself that you are right and that you are some kind of aid to pointing people towards the path of salvation, incidentally whilst condemning and threatening those who don't follow your exhortations. You have no idea of what science means. All you have is your distorted crude version of it which obviously satisfies your rather sad longing to be some sort of important cog in guiding humanity in the direction which you think is the right one. It is you who are in complete denial, Nick,and, sad to say, you're just not willing to learn.

The Holy Bible exists...I didn't invent it...and millions have found succour and hope from its pages and that deserves scientific investigation. Even tyrants have been forced to allow a controlled version of its teaching to hold people together even though their motives have been questionable. The reason is that we all respond to our inner electrical nature...your electric nature is to pour scorn on something that could save you...but if you give it a try you will find the same science I found because we all have this spiritual/electric/nervous strength within us, just waiting to repair us and do the things that Jesus said it can do.



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Re: Searching for GOD...
« Reply #42113 on: October 20, 2020, 12:39:17 PM »
I used the word plasma because it gives a feel for what is a wonderful dynamic energy Biblically called God's Living Waters.

The problem is that plasma has a perfectly good scientific definition, and, if you're going to talk about science, that matters and your statements about plasma were simply wrong.

In its purest form it is invisible and virtually undetectable but it all drifted together into many, huge, dense clouds, each of galaxy proportions, before erupting in a very special and provable way...

Provable? Where's the proof, or, for that matter, the first hint of a smidgen of a scintilla of any reason whatsoever to think this drivel even means anything?

Now, even here we have made a massive improvement on the ridiculous scientific explanation that everything erupted out of nothing...a singularity, which any school child knows is impossible.

Sorry, but your meaningless gibberish is not an improvement on anything. As for your description of the science, yet again, it is simply wrong.
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Re: Searching for GOD...
« Reply #42114 on: October 20, 2020, 12:49:40 PM »
This is arrant nonsense.
Any reading of a - recognised - translation of Scripture would show that Jesus IS god - in every possible respect. You seem to overlook this, yet it is fundamental to anything remotely Christian.
You really need to read Professor Alistair McGrath.
He, unlike your good self, knows what he's talking about. You may not agree with him, but you must concede, that, unlike yourself, he is both a well respected scientist - that's a REAL scientist - and a very committed Christian. If you dare to actually read his many books, you might find that your theology and pseudoscientific fantasy is quite simply rubbish.

This is why I look to the Holy Bible for my guidance...over and over it tells us that Jesus is the Son of God
and how anyone can muddle that up and say he is God is beyond me. He is like God in every way possible but he is a separate entity...born to be God's 'word' made flesh...and no matter how many languages you read it says the same thing. God's 'word' has a witness...who is so like God that he is a solid reflection of God, which explains to us that following God's righteous word is well worth the effort...just as Jesus tells us. Jesus would have had equal status to Almighty God, but as Paul states...Jesus declined the offer.


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Re: Searching for GOD...
« Reply #42115 on: October 20, 2020, 01:37:45 PM »
This is why I look to the Holy Bible for my guidance...over and over it tells us that Jesus is the Son of God and how anyone can muddle that up and say he is God is beyond me. He is like God in every way possible but he is a separate entity...born to be God's 'word' made flesh...and no matter how many languages you read it says the same thing. God's 'word' has a witness...who is so like God that he is a solid reflection of God, which explains to us that following God's righteous word is well worth the effort...just as Jesus tells us. Jesus would have had equal status to Almighty God, but as Paul states...Jesus declined the offer.
Tripe, and worse than tripe. Do you think Professor McGrath is as ridiculously inept as yourself? Do you think that  he, who has found Christ, God Incarnate, as his Lords and Saviour, whilst being at one and the same time a very respected scholar and expert,  in his field, which, unlike yourself, he has devoted his intellect to both study and lecture, is deluded? Have you even bothered to research his work, or is your mind so clouded with rubbish that there is no room for thought?
"for, as long as but a hundred of us remain alive, never will we on any conditions be brought under English rule. It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."


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Re: Searching for GOD...
« Reply #42116 on: October 20, 2020, 01:52:30 PM »
Don't be so silly, Nick. It is you who can't accept that you find it impossible to find any reason or evidence to support your totally 'pie in the sky' views or you would have given some by now. It is you that have convinced yourself that you are right and that you are some kind of aid to pointing people towards the path of salvation, incidentally whilst condemning and threatening those who don't follow your exhortations. You have no idea of what science means. All you have is your distorted crude version of it which obviously satisfies your rather sad longing to be some sort of important cog in guiding humanity in the direction which you think is the right one. It is you who are in complete denial, Nick,and, sad to say, you're just not willing to learn.

On the point about threats enki, here is another solid reason why we should read the Holy Bible and understand the mode of expression contained within it. Almighty God says He built the heavens and the Earth. Science believes it is the product of some astronomical disaster...but both can be true. God takes responsibility for all natural disasters because He is the product of the same spiritual laws that atoms and galaxies, stars and all life express in all of their behaviour patterns because its all dynamic energy expressing itself as it must. Every thought you make is the result of this wonderful energy doing what it does best. We sin and we waste this energy and when there isn't sufficient to sustain us we become ill and we die...and we can say...God did it and this would be true. Now Almighty God and Jesus tell us about another impending danger coming from the heavens and which would annihilate us all but they have worked out a plan that can save those who take them seriously. It is an electrical problem because all problems have an electrical nature underpinning them and so we need an electrical solution and it is all contained within the Holy Bible and to give it a scientific title we will call it The Science of Righteousness...and this science says that a natural disaster, foreseen by our Deity, is coming soon...and the Biblical signs say it is already here...and we will all see it soon.

« Last Edit: October 20, 2020, 02:44:50 PM by NicholasMarks »


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Re: Searching for GOD...
« Reply #42117 on: October 20, 2020, 01:57:13 PM »
Oh...where do I begin...History is playing out exactly as the Holy Bible says it will.

And Nostradamus.  And innumerable other speculative works - it seems almost as though if you phrase something in general enough terms you can subsequently selectively interpret to fit just about anything...

Almighty God has delivered a wonderful science to us, through His Son, Jesus Christ, to help us through these 'last days', difficult times hard to deal with...ignore Him if you wish.

It's been a while, but I seem to recall that you've a history of attempting to make that use of 'science' happen... to quote one of the great philosophers* of our time, 'I don't think it means what you think it means.'

Many of the Jews do and they will get their just reward...but it will only be after a final plea to them to repent.

For what, their actions against Palestine?  People have been saying the Jews have to repent for much longer than that, notwithstanding that it conflates 'the Jews' with the state of Israel as you've done twice now.

Jesus has earnt a special place of merit in God's heart because he followed righteousness to the letter of the law and received the reward for being see...those who want an unfettered reign over the people don't want righteousness getting in their way...but our Deity won't remain silent.

In my experience, a significant portion of those who want 'an unfettered reign over the people' - the American evangelicals, the Jihadist Muslims, Hindu nationalists, Putin's Orthodox/Civic partnership - do so explicitly in the name of that god you're espousing and he's remarkably reticent about intervening.

The Science of Righteousness will continue after the current great tribulations and you may or may not be part of it, depending on whether we can repent and here is why it is wise to.

If you can suggest to me what you think I need to repent for we can discuss it whilst we wait for these 'tribulations' - I'm confident we've got enough time to cover it all!

We each have an indestructible spirit and whether it remains here on planet Earth, in the flesh, in peace, happiness, good health, and good order, or is whisked away to spend eternity in a fiery lake of sulphur depends upon our own righteous attitude.

Ah yes, the 'eternal punishment for temporal alleged "sins"' threat of the 'all-loving' deity...  If I have an 'indestructible spirit' why should I fear physical punishment?

Universes are forever, not just for creation...

New Atheism - because, apparently, there's a use-by date on unanswered questions.

Eminent Pedant, Interpreter of Heretical Writings, Unwarranted Harvester of Trite Nomenclature, Church of Debatable Saints


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Re: Searching for GOD...
« Reply #42118 on: October 20, 2020, 02:04:30 PM »
Tripe, and worse than tripe. Do you think Professor McGrath is as ridiculously inept as yourself? Do you think that  he, who has found Christ, God Incarnate, as his Lords and Saviour, whilst being at one and the same time a very respected scholar and expert,  in his field, which, unlike yourself, he has devoted his intellect to both study and lecture, is deluded? Have you even bothered to research his work, or is your mind so clouded with rubbish that there is no room for thought?

I have researched the Holy Bible and have found it packed with scientific truth...written in such a way more suitable for my way of thinking but then, most people that the Holy Bible targets are of the less intellectual type, in fact, the Holy Bible warns about such intellectual people. Most people, and especially intellectuals get it wrong. If they got it right the world wouldn't be in the state that it's in, then again, only Almighty God and His much loved Son, Jesus Christ, can pull us out of this mess...and we have until the fiery lake of sulphur strikes to get it right.


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Re: Searching for GOD...
« Reply #42119 on: October 20, 2020, 02:08:55 PM »
I have researched the Holy Bible and have found it packed with scientific truth...

Which is just another unsupported assertion, offered without any supporting argument or evidence. What's more, it's clear from your posts that you are scientifically illiterate and totally unable to distinguish real science from meaningless gibberish.
x(∅ ∈ x ∧ ∀y(yxy ∪ {y} ∈ x))


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Re: Searching for GOD...
« Reply #42120 on: October 20, 2020, 02:30:19 PM »
And Nostradamus.  And innumerable other speculative works - it seems almost as though if you phrase something in general enough terms you can subsequently selectively interpret to fit just about anything...

It's been a while, but I seem to recall that you've a history of attempting to make that use of 'science' happen... to quote one of the great philosophers* of our time, 'I don't think it means what you think it means.'

For what, their actions against Palestine?  People have been saying the Jews have to repent for much longer than that, notwithstanding that it conflates 'the Jews' with the state of Israel as you've done twice now.

In my experience, a significant portion of those who want 'an unfettered reign over the people' - the American evangelicals, the Jihadist Muslims, Hindu nationalists, Putin's Orthodox/Civic partnership - do so explicitly in the name of that god you're espousing and he's remarkably reticent about intervening.

If you can suggest to me what you think I need to repent for we can discuss it whilst we wait for these 'tribulations' - I'm confident we've got enough time to cover it all!

Ah yes, the 'eternal punishment for temporal alleged "sins"' threat of the 'all-loving' deity...  If I have an 'indestructible spirit' why should I fear physical punishment?


The Holy Bible says...Thou shalt not kill...and that is the position of Jesus Christ so in no way do I support those Jews who say they are Jews but are the synagogue of Satan...nor do I support those who say they are Christians but are also the synagogue of Satan.

Jesus Christ proved his science because so many people escape from their oppression by listening to his righteous word...they find horrible illnesses bearable and the fact that they will live again helps them bear their unjustified pains and misery induced by their oppressors...It will all be worthwhile because it will give them endurance and repairing from the genetic imprints of sin will require extreme righteous endurance...but the science is nearly complete...our nervous/electrical/emotional/spiritual health can talk to our genetics just as they do in cancer except in a more nourishing, refreshing, repairing, invigorating way.

« Last Edit: October 20, 2020, 02:49:47 PM by NicholasMarks »


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Re: Searching for GOD...
« Reply #42121 on: October 20, 2020, 02:59:57 PM »
The Holy Bible says...Thou shalt not kill...and that is the position of Jesus Christ so in no way do I support those Jews who say they are Jews but are the synagogue of Satan...nor do I support those who say they are Christians but are also the synagogue of Satan.

Jesus Christ proved his science because so many people escape from their oppression by listening to his righteous word...they find horrible illnesses bearable and the fact that they will live again helps them bear their unjustified pains and misery induced by their oppressors...It will all be worthwhile because it will give them endurance and repairing from the genetic imprints of sin will require extreme righteous endurance...but the science is nearly complete...our nervous/electrical/emotional/spiritual health can talk to our genetics just as they do in cancer except in a more nourishing, refreshing, repairing, invigorating way.


The Holy Bible says "Thou shalt not kill".
No, actually, it doesn' least, translations into modern English show that there is more than 'kill' meant in the word.
You'd have known that, had you dome even a cursory research, and the fact that you have not speaks volumes.
"for, as long as but a hundred of us remain alive, never will we on any conditions be brought under English rule. It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."


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Re: Searching for GOD...
« Reply #42122 on: October 20, 2020, 03:52:45 PM »
The Holy Bible says...Thou shalt not kill...

I'm led to believe that the earlier versions would better translate as 'do not murder' rather than kill, but that's a quibble.

...and that is the position of Jesus Christ...

Well, that's the assertion of some on the position of Jesus, based upon third and fourth hand accounts of purported events, subsequently translated through at least two distinctly different cultural understandings and then, at least in the Anglophone Western world, translated with an eye as much for poetry as doctrine or theological precision.

so in no way do I support those Jews who say they are Jews but are the synagogue of Satan...nor do I support those who say they are Christians but are also the synagogue of Satan.

Satan... that would the fourth divine pillar of this monotheism, right?

Jesus Christ proved his science because so many people escape from their oppression by listening to his righteous word...

Heroin has broadly the same effect, and on a more reliable basis...

they find horrible illnesses bearable and the fact that they will live again helps them bear their unjustified pains and misery induced by their oppressors...

At risk of repeating myself, you've used the word 'fact' there - I don't think it means what you think it means.

It will all be worthwhile because it will give them endurance and repairing from the genetic imprints of sin will require extreme righteous endurance...

Can you cite me a paper in a peer reviewed journal that validates this claim of 'sin' having a genetic impact, or any kind of 'spiritual' activity working to repair genetic damage or degradation?

but the science is nearly complete...our nervous/electrical/emotional/spiritual health can talk to our genetics just as they do in cancer except in a more nourishing, refreshing, repairing, invigorating way.

If that science is 'nearly complete' can I suggest that even if we consider the 2000-ish years since Jesus allegedly postulated some of these ideas which we'll charitably consider to be hypotheses, we're not even close to being half-way through establishing how emotion works, let alone finding something that makes 'spiritual' mean anything and then finding links between the two.

Universes are forever, not just for creation...

New Atheism - because, apparently, there's a use-by date on unanswered questions.

Eminent Pedant, Interpreter of Heretical Writings, Unwarranted Harvester of Trite Nomenclature, Church of Debatable Saints


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Re: Searching for GOD...
« Reply #42123 on: October 20, 2020, 04:16:51 PM »

The Holy Bible says "Thou shalt not kill".
No, actually, it doesn' least, translations into modern English show that there is more than 'kill' meant in the word.
You'd have known that, had you dome even a cursory research, and the fact that you have not speaks volumes.

I stand corrected...but the sacred nature of life should be respected in all instances...otherwise you can say that abortion for convenience is ok...euthanasia is ok..and war is ok...and if you understand the Holy Bible, you will know they are not ok.


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Re: Searching for GOD...
« Reply #42124 on: October 20, 2020, 04:36:22 PM »
I'm led to believe that the earlier versions would better translate as 'do not murder' rather than kill, but that's a quibble.

Well, that's the assertion of some on the position of Jesus, based upon third and fourth hand accounts of purported events, subsequently translated through at least two distinctly different cultural understandings and then, at least in the Anglophone Western world, translated with an eye as much for poetry as doctrine or theological precision.

Satan... that would the fourth divine pillar of this monotheism, right?

Heroin has broadly the same effect, and on a more reliable basis...

At risk of repeating myself, you've used the word 'fact' there - I don't think it means what you think it means.

Can you cite me a paper in a peer reviewed journal that validates this claim of 'sin' having a genetic impact, or any kind of 'spiritual' activity working to repair genetic damage or degradation?

If that science is 'nearly complete' can I suggest that even if we consider the 2000-ish years since Jesus allegedly postulated some of these ideas which we'll charitably consider to be hypotheses, we're not even close to being half-way through establishing how emotion works, let alone finding something that makes 'spiritual' mean anything and then finding links between the two.


You are totally oblivious of the fact that there is an invisible energy surrounding us which is forming and shaping our lives. Propaganda makes good use of it because via a bunch of untrue expression it guides many people down false paths...just by appealing to the false needs of manipulators...and just as the high priests manipulated the Jews to crucify Jesus.  Well, it all has a is how our nervous strength reacts to the stimulus that, good or bad, is played into it...For tells us that we should scream and shout at pop concerts and also that we should waste our sex hormones as if nothing else matters but you would be wrong because via these tactics we are screwing up our health and leaving ourselves wide open to all the not yet understood ailments that our hospitals are full of...Now, don't blame me for this, it is all contained within the science of righteousness and it is more relevant today than ever before.