In what way is believing in God the same as believing in Leprechauns and hobgoblins.
Hillside has explained nothing. Please make your own answers please . When I want a supply of hillshit I will request it. Right now I am rather after Ipshit.
I have explained Vlad, it's all there your post was followed too by Blue explaining this to you for the umpteenth umpteenth time.
Have a think Vlad, not just you, anyone that asserts something, anything, for anyone to take an assertion seriously it'll need evidence that supports the said assertion.
I can assert all sorts of things and suggest they should be believed in Vlad, things like Leprechauns, Hob Goblins, Horoscopes, Gods Goddesses, only trouble with asserting things evidence is a requisite if we expect others to believe or take assertions seriously.
I almost forgot, Sriram's little man that 's had a blue Elephant's head transplant, I doubt even you're a believer in this one Vlad.