Do you not agree with that?
If I build a nice sandcastle on the beach then I have a sandcastle right? What if I remove one grain of sand from it? Still a sandcastle don't you think? How about 10 grains, or a 1,000, or 10,000? The terms "boy", "girl" etc exist on a spectrum, not as "objectively defined meanings" into which people can neatly be slotted.
That's very interesting - what you wrote is just white noise to me but I can still find it interesting that you believe that. If society has decided that the terms "boy" and "girl" are meaningless white noise, ok, but regardless of the spectrum, as a woman, I would be uncomfortable having to deal with naked male genitalia in my face, especially if it was aroused and erect. If I wanted to join a nudist colony, I would, but I actually want to be in an environment where I get privacy and choices about whether i have to encounter naked men.
Do you think society should do away with single sex segregation on the basis that we're all on a spectrum? Or do you think the Equalities Act 2010 should be amended to change the terms used for single sex facilities? Instead of boys and girls rugby it should be male and female rugby and mixed rugby or should we adopt a trans lobby term to be inclusive and call it cis boys rugby and cis girls rugby and mixed rugby which is where the trans rugby players would go; and instead of a boys school and girls school everything should be re-labelled to cis-boys school and cis-girls school and mixed schools. Because I believe the separate facilities came about for reasons such as female rugby players would get flattened and seriously injured if they were tackled by a male rugby player, or because 99% of sex offenders in prison are male. So they realised there were actually 2 separate, distinct categories and an objective difference between the 2 categories and that the more vulnerable category deserved to be safeguarded.
If I said the moderate trans people bear a terrible dogma, because their faith claims about gender give moral cover for the coercive sex and rape of lesbians by extremist trans women who argue that being picky about genitals is transphobic, is that an ok thing to say?