I was highlighting the limitations of purely scientific investigation.
To perceive meaning behind the patterns of ink on paper and draw conclusions, you need to go beyond the limitations of science. Is there a scientific definition of perceived meaning or the ability to draw conclusions?
Yes, in psychology and cognitive neuroscience, it's defined as pattern recognition and identification, a cognitive process whereby the brain matches information received with information already stored, making connections between memories(especially semantic memories) and information.
Again, to perceive the intended message of the painting requires more than science alone can discover. There is no scientific definition for the ability to interpret the artist's intention, nor is there any definition for the ultimate message concerning God's love in reaching out His hand for the salvation of mankind.
See above. As regards perceiving the intended(or unintended) message the artist seeks to convey, that would depend upon how such capacities as learning, attention, memory retention, interests and experiences of the individual involved have modified the perception process.
How can you examine conscious awareness when there is no knowledge of what it comprises or how it is generated?
We can at least relate and measure neural correlates of consciousness(e.g. transcranial magnetic stimulation), even if we cannot yet fully explain what consciousness is. There are also recognised tests to measure self awareness in an individual, especially after severe brain injury. So, yes, neuroscience can go a long way in examining conscious awareness. Research into such phenomena as blindsight, split brain syndrome, binocular rivalry and gestalt switching is leading to progress on how the brain reacts to and perceives the world.
Which is an inevitable conclusion if the only admissable evidence is limited to the science of biology and physics.
So, where is your explanation, I wonder. You seem to be simply stuck with your assertion that 'the soul is not of the universe' without anything at all to back it up. As others have noted, you simply make assertions. Yes, you quite reasonably ask for explanations from others, but when it comes to your own pet theory, no explanation of your 'soul' idea is forthcoming. You can't give any indication of where it is located, how it interacts with the material world or even what it is made of. That smacks of hypocrisy to me, you demand explanations from others, but you shy away from providing them yourself.