He rejected the councils and the canon of the New Testament sifted by prayer and intellect through decades. It all has to be weighed up. Becoming a Christian I found it was not long before one comes across the alternatives and you go through a sifting of your own. I emerged still a Christian.
And yet, coming back to a point I made earlier, the Filioque clause, was also debated for decades. And it was sufficient to cause a massive schism in the whole of Christendom. A mere Latin ablative noun and a conjunctive particle! It seems that all these great intellectual debates hang on a knife-edge.*
Thing is, you may believe you've proved that there's some creative power behind everything, but as for whether the Trinity is true, or whether the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father
and the Son, or from the Father
only, you know no more than the rest of us - and indeed how could you?
*I've just checked how long this matter was fiercely contested - earliest reference about 410 a.d. through the centuries till the Council of Jerusalem in 1672. And in modern times, old Benedict was
still blathering on about it!