I could reel off all the circumstances which lead me to believe that I have had miraculous answers to prayer, but I have no doubt that you and others will endeavour to write them all off as coincidences or delusions.
Actually write them off just as poor reasoning. Surprising things happen all the time – both welcome and unwelcome. That’s what you’d expect to see in an indifferent, god-less universe. Your mistake in thinking is to select just the welcome ones and to impute therefore a purposive god. If you really had any interest at all in making a case for answered prayers, you’d have to show
a higher incidence of the good outcomes when people pray than when they don’t.
No-one has been able to show that, but by all means give it a try if you wish to.
I did look at them - they express different viewpoints to mine, but the did not convince me that I am wrong.
Given that they explained your survivorship bias to you, why not?
Do you now understand what survivorship bias is at least, even if you can't see why it undoes you?
I found the performance by Tim Minchin quite nauseating.
Not as nauseating as I found the queasily dishonest videos you posted I bet, but each to his own…
I see you once again demonstrating what appears to be your consciously driven efforts to think up hypothetical scenarios to demonstrate how wrong my views are, but despite your considerable efforts I am afraid you still have not convinced me that I am wrong.
Why do you always scuttle back to the same mind-bending fucking idiocy every time you’re shown an actual argument that falsifies you rather than try at least to engage with the argument itself?
If the argument hasn’t convinced you that you’re wrong
then explain why not – if I said 2+2=5, you took the trouble to explain why I was wrong about that and I replied “I am afraid you still have not convinced me that I am wrong” what would you make of my intellectual cowardice and dishonesty?
Your problem isn’t that you’re not convinced by arguments (after all, you routinely just ignore them as here) it’s that you
don’t want to be convinced by arguments, which is why you just stick your fingers in your ears instead.
No amount of wrongheaded reasoning will take away my God given freedom.
But it should when your grounds for thinking you have “God given freedom” at all are themselves the wrongheaded reasoning. Even at some dimly aware level you should be able to grasp this, at least conceptually.