One way out of that for the theist though is the god in hiding idea - ie a god who's real, but who has introduced natural processes such that you'd never know it. This is the creationist schtick of a god who buried all those fossils so as to fool us into thinking there were dinosaurs.
Which would, of course, completely fall foul of Occam being such a bizarre and convoluted explanation when much simpler explanations are totally plausible.
But it also begs the question 'why' - why on earth would some kind of omnipotent god engage in such weird and sneaky activities just to attempt to trick just one species on one planet, noting that I don't think any other species have exercised themselves with finding and trying to understand fossil evidence.
It is, of course, desperate stuff from those trying to escape from the truth that is staring themselves in the face - but then that is the mindset that develops within those that place faith over evidence.