I'm glad you agree that atheism is a position. How it's the default position though perhaps you'd like to fill us in.
The disqualification buzzer will go if you make recourse to materialism, naturalism, empiricism, etc including I was a senior managerism..
As usual Vlad you get it wrong, because you seem unable to think clearly.
I didn't say that atheism is a 'position', and in any event it is more of a response (to being confronted with theobollocks).
The point I was responding to was your "
non existent until proved existent", and I don't need to be an atheist to conclude that there is something inherently sensible in that approach. My mention of dragons in garages, which refers to a well known essay, was intended to illustrate the very point you yourself made - so, to clarify, until the existence of dragons is confirmed I needn't worry unduly about encountering one.
Do you get it now?