Why do you keep consciously choosing to accuse me of blind faith?
Blind faith is all you have, and “consciously deciding”
cannot be what you think it is.
How can you possibly come to the conclusion that my faith is blind without any conscious control of your own thoughts?
Already explained (many times) and irrelevant in any case. Even if the reason- and evidence-based hypotheses we have about this turn out to be wrong, that does not open the door to a logically impossible alternative.
You consciously choose to dismiss, ridicule or find reasons to refute any evidence or reasons I put forward to justify my faith.
Your reasons are wrong and your evidence doesn’t exist.
Can you not see that in all this you are employing your own ability to consciously control the thought processes involved in order to try to justify your own (mistaken) belief that we have no conscious control of our thoughts?
Can you not see that this simply cannot be true without collapsing into magical thinking to get you off the hook of logical impossibility?
Oh, and as so often I see you’ve just ignored the substantive points that undid you.
Look, it’s simple enough: either you think “it’s magic innit” is a valid argument or you don’t. So far at least that’s all you have, but you’ve also just detonated even that by telling us that magic is illusory.
So, having sunk your own canoe of fantasy and illogic what’s left to keep your blind faith beliefs afloat?