Wow, Alan. You haven't addressed
anything I actually said (too scared to think about it?) and just returned, yet again, to your oft repeated and refuted dimwittery.
You are putting your faith in logic which is obviously flawed...
Argument by assertion fallacy. Where is the obvious flaw?
...because it denies our demonstrable ability to consciously control our thoughts.
If it's demonstrable, why can't you demonstrate it and explain
how what you did is actually a demonstration? Since (as I pointed out) the phrase "conscious control of our own thoughts' is now
meaningless in this context (as
you denied the obvious interpretation), you are first going to have to say
what you think it even means.
This ability is perfectly demonstrated in your conscious attempts to conceive of and apply the flawed logic you espouse.
This is a just another vacuous, dimwitted assertion.
FFS, stop being so fucking
intellectually lazy. Try
reading a post before replying with mindless, dimwitted, thought-free repetition.