The answer to my question is absolutely relevant.
No, it’s absolutely
irrelevant. Imagine that before we knew about germs your great, great etc granddad had asserted that diseases were caused by evil spirits. And let’s say too that he'd supported this claim with exactly the same shit arguments you try here to support your claim “soul”: “I can assure you that”, “it’s obvious that”, “without evil spirits there’d be no diseases – therefore evil spirits”, "lots of people believe in evil spirits, therefore evil spirits” and so endlessly on.
Now let’s say that, once all his shit arguments had been detonated, all he had left as his last throw of the dice was, “OK, so what does cause diseases then?”
And let’s say too that, no matter what the answer, he told us that he wasn’t satisfied, "therefore evil spirits".
Can you see what would be wrong with that?
That’s right – the shit arguments for evil spirits would still be shit arguments for evil spirits
regardless of the answer to his question. That is, dissatisfaction with the answers he was given for the causes of diseases (or even having no answer at all) would not somehow, magically reach in to his shit arguments for evil spirits and turn them into good arguments instead.
This is the corner into which you’ve now painted yourself. Your arguments for “soul” are all absent ("it's obvious" etc) or shit – ie, logically false. And just asking endlessly, "OK, how does consciousness work then?” has no relevance at all to your problem of having only no or shit arguments to justify your claim “soul”.
If you want your claim to be treated by reasoning people as not idiotic, you need to start and end with
that. How would you resolve the infinite regression problem of a supposed “soul” without recourse to “but magic”, and without trying your usual “look, an elephant” diversionary tactic of asking about a different and irrelevant problem?
You can duck and dive and divert all you like, but until you finally at least try to resolve the logically impossibility of your “soul” conjecture your efforts here will remain worthless.
Unless you can answer this you cannot claim to have come to a verified conclusion that conscious control of our thoughts is a logical impossibility.
So how do you apply a logical argument without using conscious control?
Still irrelevant – see above.