I may have missed one or two, but from memory this is the entire suite of arguments you’ve attempted here to persuade others that your beliefs are valid. As none of them are though the field is clear finally for you to try an argument that is valid.
Just to remind you of some of the arguments you have chosen to dismiss:
You choose to dismiss any evidence of miracles attributed to the power of God.
You choose to dismiss any personal testimonies from people who witness to personal encounters with God.
You choose to dismiss the content of every book in the Christian bible - some written by divine inspiration and some referring to eye witness accounts of Jesus and His works.
You choose to dismiss any historical evidence of the resurrection.
You choose to dismiss any evidence of your own spiritual nature - particularly your own free will.
You choose to dismiss the amazing odds against the unintended formation of stars and planets and environments capable of sustaining life.
You choose to dismiss the extreme unlikelihood of the unfathomable complexities of the human mind arising from unguided material reactions.
You choose to dismiss any evidence of the supernatural - such as Near Death Experiences.
You choose to dismiss evidence of any answers to prayer.