My contention lies with the materialistic scenario in which our conscious awareness is presumed to be an emergent property of material reactions. In this scenario we can only be aware of the consequences of material reactions which have already occurred, implying that we have no conscious control over what we experience in our conscious awareness.
As I requested in the post you have just answered, could you give me an example of information you think your brain is using to make a choice that is not from the past? You have not actually presented any evidence to show that you are consciously controlling what you are experiencing.
On the other hand you have presented evidence that you are experiencing something in your conscious awareness based on past information stored in your brain. As far as I can see you are demonstrating that your posts are determined by past events.
In your post you seem to understand the reality in which we do have conscious control over what we recall into our conscious awareness and how we process it to determine choices and conclusions. This is the conscious control which is deemed to be impossible in the materialistic scenario.
Not sure that I do. Everything I recall and process is based on past events/ info stored in my brain - so is determined by events in my past. Also, while I may consciously try to recall some pieces of information, other thoughts and info just pop into my head without me consciously recalling them. You are clearly going through the same process, unless you can show some evidence of something you are recalling or processing that is not based on past events/ info in your brain?
So you may well ask what determines our conscious control?
If by conscious control you mean reviewing information and making choices on how we respond to each other - the evidence based on your posts and my posts on here is that our review of information and the choices we make in responding to each other are determined by the post we just read on here and the information already stored in our brain.
If you had not read my post (an event from the past) you would not be able to choose to respond to it. If you did not have words from the English language stored in your brain (acquired in the past) and the ability to string them into a sentence (learned at school in the past) you would not be able to understand what I typed, interpret it based on your stored knowledge of words, review the ideas that popped into your brain in response to my post, and choose some words you have learned to respond to my post in English, addressing the points I have made.
You have also chosen to not respond to some of the questions I asked - presumably because you either didn't understand the question or because you did not like the question or because you could not think of a reply based on the information stored in your brain. Again your choice to not respond was determined by past events - a mix of your nature/ nurture e.g. your innate intelligence plus your learning of English words and their meanings, and your emotions/ feelings of liking or not liking my question.
It is certainly beyond the capabilities of material reactions which occur outside our conscious awareness. I present this as evidence of the spiritual power of our human soul.
Not sure what you mean by material reactions that occur outside our conscious control - what is your definition of such a 'material reaction'? What makes it 'material'? And what makes it a reaction outside of our conscious control?
Is choosing words stored in your brain from past events and typing them out a material reaction according to your definition of 'material reactions'?