Is this the best that you can come up with? These would be my responses to your utterances.
Your post 49799:
You constantly try to dismiss the Christian message by claiming lack of verifiable proof
I would throw considerable doubt upon the supernatural part of it, yes indeed.
- but this cannot be used to imply that the Gospels were wrong.
There is some good advice(as well as some bad advice) in the Gospels. If you mean that the Gospels as a whole are not factually accurate, then I would suggest that owing to their lack of provenance, their inconsistency, their bias, their propensity to alteration, addition and possibly lying, then they are not particularly reliable as factual historical documents.
Have you fully assessed the risks of you being wrong?
I have indeed. If I found that such a Christian God did indeed exist, because I have always allowed for the possibility of such a scenario, I would be surprised and disappointed. If your God would condemn me to hell for having an honest opinion based upon evidence and reason, then such a God would not be worthy of my worship and to be true to myself I would have to endure the punishment that he would mete out.
Your post 49809:
The consequences of me being wrong are trivial compared to the consequences of you being wrong.
So, when asked the same question, you choose to dismiss it rather than face up to it. I might be wrong, but I would suggest that rather than being 'trivial', you would find it devastating because the whole basis of your faith would be destroyed.
However, I have more than enough evidence to know that God's love is real.
Evidence, it seems, which are either unable or unwilling to produce.
If the resurrection was shown to be a reality, how would it affect your own life?
I would be quite excited to discover how it was brought about so that we may learn how to benefit others who may have seemingly died in order to resuscitate them after 3 days.
Today's Gospel is appropriate - showing how the apostle Thomas refused to believe in the resurrection until he saw Jesus with His wounds - then he made the profound statement: "My Lord and my God".
You may find it appropriate. For me I would need much more evidence to verify that a resurrection had happened.
Your post 49812:
There is only one God, and that is the God who has made Himself known to me in the person of Jesus Christ.
So, when faced with a question from Blue, simply ignore it and make your usual bland assertion. Disappointingly evasive.
Your post 49815:
My faith is not blind.
It does seem so when you seem unable to present one ounce of truly objective proof that your God exists.
There is an avalanche of evidence which you choose to ignore, ridicule or dismiss -
Where is this 'avalanche' then? Surely you can't mean personal feelings, unsubstantiated or anecdotal information or prejudiced accounts? Objective information which can be substantiated is useful, but, unfortunately, there seems to be a great dearth of this in Christianity.
event to the extent of denying your freedom to control your own thoughts.
You are totally wrong. I don't deny it at all. My thoughts of course can be influenced by many things, but ultimately I (i.e. my brain) controls my own thoughts.
Your post 49830:
here is no sound evidence for how this universe came into existence from nothing.
There is no sound evidence to explain how the incredible fine tuned parameters needed to enable the formation of stars and planets came unintended.
There is no sound evidence for how life came into existence from random events.
There is no sound evidence for how a single entity of conscious awareness can be generated from material reactions alone.
There is no sound evidence to explain how rational thought can emerge from uncontrollable material reactions.
There is no sound evidence to explain away the miracles still being performed today in the name of Jesus.
There is no sound evidence to explain why many Muslims are currently experiencing vivid dreams about Jesus.
There is no sound evidence which offers any materialistic view of meaning and purpose in our lives.
I could go on .....
In essence, Gordon, your belief system involves a lot more blind faith than my Christian life.
What a mishmash! Even if some of these points could not be answered(and many could be strongly challenged) there is not the slightest attempt at producing evidence for your God whatever.
Finally, your post 49853:
Dear Blue,
You accuse me of blind faith, but the sad reality it is you who are blind -
Blind to seeing the hand of God in all creation.
Blind to appreciating your own amazing gift to consciously interact with this world rather than just react in accordance with short sighted theories derived from our limited physical senses.
Blind to the miracles still being done in God's name.
Blind to the divine revelations of scripture which reveal ultimate purpose and reason behind our existence.
All just your own personal assertions.
You constantly claim to have falsified all my arguments for God and my Christian faith, but nothing you say can ever take from me my intimate relationship with God and knowledge of His love for us.
A classic statement of blind faith.