I think what has happened here is somebody saw me say prayer changes me rather than God and went into a bit of a feeding frenzy a la the river Amazon.
So much ducking and diving. Yes, you've recently retrenched to "prayer changes me". So the question then remains the one I asked you:
"So no amount of praying for your god to intercede on behalf of someone ELSE (eg, little Timmy) will make a difference to that’s person’s experience?
Is that your position now?"
Perhaps you can say how God changes?
According to your mutually contradictory assertions, I already have:
"...on the one hand you assert a god who’s “unchanging”, but you also assert praying that causes this god to change his mind. Thus god’s plan A at 9am (to kill little Timmy at lunchtime for example) becomes god’s plan B (to effect a “miraculous” cure for little Timmy instead for example) provided someone has dome some praying at 9.30am".
If you've now rowed back from asserting a god who will intercede on behalf of others (little Timmy for example) so praying for other people is pointless that's fine, but as you seem determined not to tell us whether that is what you now think there's no guessing about that.