Why are there so few new members?
Could it possibly be that anyone from outside the forum perusing the various threads on the forum will find that thread after thread consists of the same opinions and sentiments repeated again and again and again - put simply, because there are so few posters the forum has become boring, deadly boring?
Virtually every siingle thread, regardless of the subject of the OP, winds up becoming an argy-bargy between the non-Christians and the Christians, the prove it and the prove otherwise, interminable reams of posts saying things that have been said a myriad times before.
Not only that but by reading an OP the responses from the various members can be predicted almost word for word; read an OP, think of a poster, and you can usually predict exactly what is going to be said by that poster, we know each other too well.
As I said the forum has, from lack of variety become boring, it has stagnated, and I, as much as any here, have contributed to that stagnation.