Of COurse!!!
Don't you ever look at the attitudes of most near ALL the Christians just on these boards.
How can it be possible that a Christian is equal to a Muslim of a Hindu, in the eyes of Christian doctrine? Where does it say in The Bible ALL men are equal. I said ARE equal not BORN equal BTW ?!?!!??
ANY political group, and we ARE talking politics here, always feels it's better than all else's otherwise it couldn't attract as many adherents.
Whoa whoa , you've got a lot if ideas mixed in together there...
To start with your last point - absolutely not. I belong to a political organisation - the Labour Party. I think that it's beliefs and principles are right ; but that is a million miles away from saying that I think that people who disagree are lesser people, or that we are not all equal.
About Christians - can you (this is a genuine request, I am not being difficult) quote a post for me in which a Christian has said something which seems to you to mean that we think we are something other thn the equals of others. I genuinely want to know why you think that.
As with the Labour point, believing that someone has beliefs which are wrong does not mean that you think that those people are not your equals, so pointing out a Christian saying they think someone's ideas are wrong will not serve, I think, to show that Christians think that they are superior.
If someone says something which I disagree with (like "brown rice is delicious" or "Jesus was homophobic" or "evolution never happened") then I will say so. But me saying "I think you're wrong" isn't the same as me saying "I think you are less than my equal", is it?