The behaviour of some of the 'saved' mob of Christians, who think only they are going to end of in heaven is truly appalling.
Why do make unfounded assumptions. The 'saved' mob are not going to heaven because of anything they did past or present.
They are going because God has forgiven their sins because Jesus Christ has paid the price for them. What is your excuse.. you are not really nice are you when it comes to attacking believers... The only reason you are not going to heave is because.....
Did you mean 'end up' not 'end of'
We have witnessed some of it on this forum!
Who is WE are you deeming to speak for all on the forum..
What you are witnessing is your own bias and jealousy. Also the baiting in your post and insulting of believers in a general free for all.
There is no appalling behaviour. You just do not like it when they answer you back and show how little knowledge you really have.
You come to tear down but end up falling yourself.
They think they have some sort of moral high ground,
That sounds like Satan accusing the Saints... But if you actually knew the truth then you would know that Christ is the truth and the way they are saved. That his life was perfect without sin and showing true love for God and Man. A believer is a person who recognises their sin, their lack and their need for forgiveness from God.
What is your excuse... why do you believe you are better than they...As Christ said...''Let he/she who is without sin cast the first stone...
yet behave no better, and often much worse, than the heathen they just love to hate!
You are the one spreading hatred and lies about those who actually belong to God. Is your opinion about Christians and your condemnation of them any different to any other persons bias and hatred whatever form it is towards others who are different.
You condemn but you never show names or events to support accusations which have no foundation other than your personal opinion. In the here and now everyone knows that you make it up.
Jesus Christ.... is the answer and you cannot condemn him in anyway. So why not get over your false indignation and accept the truth about Jesus being the Son of God and the saviour. Why not become a true believer and find forgiveness for your false accusations...