Does anybody want or need a full day of reflection? That would get a bit boring after not tremendously long, I'd have thought. I lead a fairly quiet life and like Rhiannon, reflect at various times - some fairly ordered, others spontaneous - throughout each day. I don't need to save it up for Sunday (why Sunday?) and cram it all into one day.
Yep, they do. They would also need to have, initially, help in finding out how to use there newly rediscovered freedom and ability for reflection and being and I guess that's why Churches and humanist Sunday Assemblies and atheist cabarets spring up.
On whose behalf are you speaking here?
Who have you asked/spoken to?
Why are you invoking the banner of freedom when you and your brigade are the ones trying to limit it?
I have edited atheist cabarets since, on reflection, they are just glorified rant shops.
In terms of Sunday Assemblies, they are I think fair centres which IMO would aid people to develop their reflective abilities.
The banner of freedom I am under is the freedom from 24/7 expectation to be part of the 24/7 machine which affects the whole infrastructure and social environment and homoncularises people and sets up a situation where you are what you work at and what and where you spend rather than who you are.
If I am not under the banner of freedom to do 4 hours more shopping I don't think I have lost anything worth having.