It is as if some would like a social dimmer switch that they could use to tone everything down for everyone at the same time, just like electric lighting, so as to result in a temporary subdued state where everything slows down or isn't available - and of course they want control of the switch and to be able to use it when they decide it is good for the rest of us.
They are entitled to their personal dimmer switch of course, which they can use as they wish for their own situation, but I for one don't want to be constrained simply because others think it would be good for me to have otherwise routine options denied in certain situations on the basis of their personal preferences and/or adherence to traditions.
Yes, good analogy. For Gonnagle (and me) the best advice advice is to set the "personal dimmer switch" to what you feel happiest with. Slow down yourself and the world around you will slow too - use local shops you can walk or bike to, I expect one shop a week should be enough, libraries and pubs as long as they last. Treat yourself, others and the world gently.
There is no "master" switch, no doubt that those who think they are in charge want to arrange things to keep everyone going at full wack (they will burn out if they do) - But ultimately it all comes down to individual behaviour and example. At the worst, when the lights go out, you will have made the best use of the time to that point.